
How to Write and Run an Effective Solar Request for Proposal: Part 4

3 years ago · 3 minute read

In this blog series, we review the steps needed to write and run an effective request for proposal (RFP) for a solar power installation. In the first three parts, we defined an RFP, the RFP process, roles and responsibilities, ways to create an effective RFP document, and methods to evaluate proposals. In this final installment, […]

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How to Write and Run an Effective Solar Request for Proposal: Part 3

3 years ago · 2 minute read

In this blog series, we review the steps needed to write and run an effective request for proposal (RFP) for a solar power installation. In the first two parts, we defined an RFP, the RFP process, roles and responsibilities, how to gather RFP requirements, and the components needed to create an effective RFP document. In […]

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How to Write And Run an Effective Solar Request For Proposal: Part 2

3 years ago · 3 minute read

In this three-part blog series, we review the steps needed to write and run an effective request for proposal (RFP) for a solar power installation. In the first part, we defined an RFP, the RFP process, and the roles and responsibilities needed to manage the RFP. In part two, we will review how to gather […]

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Microplastics in Pennsylvania’s Waterways

3 years ago · 3 minute read

Since synthetic plastic was first invented in the early 1900s, annual global plastic production has increased from 1.5 million metric tons in 1950 to 359 billion metric tons in 2018.[1] Correspondingly, there has been an increase in plastic waste that sometimes ends up in waterways, oceans and in drinking water supplies. What Are Microplastics? Instead […]

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How to Write and Run an Effective Solar Request for Proposal: Part 1

3 years ago · 3 minute read

In this three-part blog series, we review the steps needed to write and run an effective request for proposal (RFP) for a solar power installation. In part one, we define an RFP, roles, responsibilities, and how to gather requirements for the RFP. In future installments, we’ll examine how to create an RFP document, evaluate vendors, […]

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Why Texas Suffered Power Disruptions During Winter Storm Uri

3 years ago · 3 minute read

Severe weather from Winter Storm Uri during the week of February 14th led to an unprecedented loss of power across Texas with some blaming renewable energy for the problems. In this blog, we’ll review how power grids work, renewable energy’s role in power generation, and the causes of this unfortunate event. How Does An Electrical […]

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Saubel’s Markets Goes Solar with 600kW Installation

3 years ago · 2 minute read

Roof-mounted solar panels will generate 25% of stores’ electricity needs STATE COLLEGE, PA, March 2, 2021 – BAI Group, a leading service provider in renewable energy production and energy transmission, is helping Saubel’s Markets implement on-premises solar installations at two of its store locations in Shrewsbury, PA and Whiteford, MD. Saubel’s Markets opened its first […]

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The Case for Going Solar in 2021

3 years ago · 2 minute read

The case for solar power has never been more compelling. And Americans are responding. In Q3 2020, the U.S. installed 3.8 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity, reaching 88.9 GW of total installed capacity, enough to power 16.4 million American homes.[1] According to the U.S. Solar Market Insight Q4 2020 report, from the Solar Energy Industries […]

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BAI Group Nominated to Receive Lodestar Award

3 years ago · < 1 minute read

Pennsylvania Solar Center recognizes BAI Group for leadership in solar energy STATE COLLEGE, PA, February 9, 2021 – BAI Group, a leading service provider in renewable energy production and energy transmission, has been nominated by the Pennsylvania Solar Center to receive the Lodestar Award for Northcentral Pennsylvania. With its Lodestar Award, the Pennsylvania Solar Center […]

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5 Ways the Biden Administration Will Likely Encourage Solar Power

4 years ago · 2 minute read

The Biden campaign stated that it wants to “move ambitiously to generate clean, American-made electricity.” Read on to learn about 5 things that the new administration can do to stimulate investments in alternative energy sources like solar power.

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