We maintain a pool of licensed experts in geology, hydrogeology and engineering to assist our clients with securing permits to manage their environmental obligations. Our experts have substantial experience associated with navigating the environmental permitting process for issues related to water, land and air issues – which typically include:
Property Reuse & Restoration
- Petroleum Spill Release of Liability Permitting
- Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments
- Groundwater Investigations/Modeling
- Brownfield/PA Act 2 Release of Liability
- Underground Storage Tanks
- Outdoor Shooting Range Lead Reclamation
- Pollution Fate & Transport Analysis
- Compliance Reporting
Air Quality
- Plan Approval
- Title V Operating Permits
- Dispersion Modeling
Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plan
- Construction & Earth Disturbance Activities
- County Conservation District
Stormwater Management
- Post Construction Stormwater
- NPDES-Construction, Industrial
- General Permits
- NPDES Permitting
- Sampling & Reporting