
Why Electrical Vehicle Charging Complements Your Solar Project

4 months ago · 2 minute read

Have you noticed lately your morning commute is a little bit … quieter? Over the last 10 years, there’s been a significant increase in the number of electric vehicles on the road in the U.S. — from under 500,000 to north of two million. When EVs first came to the market, they seemed to many […]

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The End of Life for Solar Panels

4 months ago · 2 minute read

So you’ve started thinking seriously about making the switch to solar power. Congrats! That means you’re already well-aware of the many reasons why going solar in 2024 makes so much sense. Still, if you’re like most of our clients, you may have a few lingering questions.  What happens with the panels when they reach the […]

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The Case for Going Solar in 2024

5 months ago · 2 minute read

There’s never been a better time to go solar. In fact, the proposition only gets more desirable each year: higher-quality technology at lower prices, while fossil fuel prices remain volatile. Here are four reasons to consider investing in solar power this year. Solar Panel Costs Continue to Drop The last decade has seen the cost […]

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EPA and US Army Amend Definition of Waters of the US

9 months ago · 2 minute read

In late August, the EPA and Department of the Army announced their updated definition of what qualifies as “waters of the United States,” and thus under their jurisdiction to protect and regulate. The definition was amended to remove the inclusion of a wetland that was considered a “significant nexus” to a waterway; now the federal […]

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Utility-Scale Solar Development

10 months ago · 3 minute read

Solar power projects range in size and scope from installing a residential set of roof panels to building a solar power plant. In this post, we’ll be getting into the latter; let’s talk about all things utility-scale solar development! What is utility-scale development? The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) defines a utility scale solar project […]

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11 Civil Engineering Considerations for Developing a Large Solar Array

11 months ago · 2 minute read

Landowners interested in developing a solar array on a 15–acre or larger site have several important civil engineering considerations to factor into their decision making. Below is an overview of the process and design considerations, taking into account factors like slope, topography, stormwater management, bedrock, soil, and grasses. Available Power – Assess the availability of […]

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The Different Colors of Hydrogen and Their Environmental Impacts

11 months ago · 3 minute read

Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, has recently gained attention as a potential source of clean energy. When considering the application of hydrogen for energy, it is essential to recognize that hydrogen can be produced through difference processes, each of which has a different environmental impact. Each of these processes is assigned a […]

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New Expanded Grant Program Supporting the Energy Needs of Rural America

1 year ago · 3 minute read

The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is a federal program administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It provides financial assistance and technical support to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for installing renewable energy systems, making energy efficiency improvements, and performing energy audits. The program is designed to help rural communities […]

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Mining the Earth for Solar Panels?

1 year ago · 4 minute read

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released the final synthesis report of its Sixth Assessment Report (completed every 5 years). This report stated that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher now than they have been in the last two million years. Additionally, global greenhouse gas emissions between 2010 and 2019 were […]

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